"People don't grow into heroes when things are easy. We grow into them when we face challenges and are brave enough to do what's needed."
Hero is the first scion class released for PSO2. It requires you to have two classes at 75+, and unlocks the ability to become a Hero on any character. Hero differs from most classes as it cannot take a subclass or be used as a subclass. It uses Swords, Twin Machine Guns, and Talises as it's main weapons. However, it uses them in all new and creative ways. Let's go over them real quick.
Sword: Sword is generally the same (you swing it, but with one hand now!), but actions are much faster. Your sword weapon action fires a blast from your hand that can be charged up (and adds AOE damage).
Rising Slash (The full combo, so throw -> slash -> slam) twice -> Normal Attack (This will do the third part of the normal attack) -> Repeat
This is your "boss that loves to stand still" combo. You could just hold down Rising Slash, but that does less damage and generates a lot less gear, so it's a bad idea (and is the trademark thing that people who don't know how to play Hero do!)
Bulletblitz twice -> Normal Attack -> Repeat
This is your combo for things that are moving constantly until they sit in place so you can smack them with the first combo.
Use Sleightshot Gambit. That's literally it.
Always be on the lookout for moments of downtime where you can reload to gain tons of PP back.
Edgeracer Gambit twice -> Normal Attack (3rd part).
Houndblade is a Damage Over Time skill - You'll want to substitute it for Edgeracer Gambit whenever it stop hurting the enemy. For example, if we notice it falls off, we'd do Houndblade -> Edgeracer Gambit once -> Normal Attack (3rd part), then go back to the Normal Edgeracer Gambit twice -> Normal Attack (3rd part) until it falls off again. (As shown in the video above)
Make sure you're applying Houndblade whenever possible - It provides very useful extra damage and builds Hero time quite quickly. The damage of Houndblade changes based on the current weapon's main attack power - If your sword/TMG are more powerful than your talis, put the DoT on the enemy and then switch to a weapon with higher attack to do more damage with it. You shouldn't bother putting Houndblade on an enemy with low HP, though.
By using certain PAs, you can optionally swap weapons midcombat (much faster than swapping them manually!). PAs that do this have a small red,
yellow, or
blue icon on them. Red means they swap to sword, yellow means talis, and blue means TMG. They will swap to the first weapon of that type, starting from the top of your weapon pallete, if you hold down the PA button while using it. You can still use the PA and not swap, just don't hold down the PA button.
Hero also has a unique mechanic - Counters! It essentially has the same timing as Braver counter and Perfect Guarding, but you dodge instead of blocking. Dodging an attack at the right moment makes a unique noise, and lets you press the normal attack button to do a damaging counterattack. Countering also greatly increases your Heroic boost percent (but not beyond its max).
For TMGs, there is a special PA called Starfire Squall that increases it's damage exponentially if used as a counterattack. It does significantly more damage than the sword counter and is something to seriously consider doing if you're fighting an enemy that you know you will be countering often (soloing bosses, for example).
Please keep in mind that my TMGs (1819 ATK) are significantly weaker than my Sword (2569 ATK), and yet the damage with the TMG Counter + Starfire Squall is much higher still. Assuming that all hits are crits on both weapons, we have 262,000 damage with sword counter, versus 40,000*12 (480,000) to 40,000*16 (640,000) with TMG. It's pretty crazy.
Countering also increases your Heroic Boost percent (but not beyond its max) and increases your focus, which brings us to another important part of Hero - building focus!
Your main objective as a Hero (while looking cool and stylish) is to build focus for your Hero Time by countering, avoiding damage, and using different skills. There is a gauge at the center of your subpallete, and once it fills you can activate HERO TIME!
You can also use half of your gauge to activate Hero Refresh - This consumes half of your gauge to recover HP, PP, and reset Hero Will. You cannot do a Hero Time Finish when you use Hero Refresh.
Jump cancelling is the process of letting you use Sword and TMG PAs much faster than normal. In the combo videos above, you see me do the attacks normally. However, if we put jump cancelling into the process for TMGs, for example:
You can fit a lot more PAs into the same time window. Jump cancelling is also semi-dependent on the Hero skill "Hero Encore Jump", so that you can do jump cancels over and over by jumping off the enemy. You can also cancel the 3rd sword normal with a jump, instead of waiting for the Perfect Attack window, and let the Hero skill "First Blood" take care of empowering the next PA. It's much faster than waiting for the Perfect Attack window.
You can also jump cancel from afar by barely jumping, using a TMG PA, then repeating this process, as seen below:
If someone (you?) casts Zondeel (or someone uses the Nifta mag), you can Rising Slash entire groups of enemies all at once. If not, then you should use Brightblade Buster (Sword) for all your AOE. You can also just use sword normals if low damage will kill them, since the normal attacks on sword have some range. You could also use Final Storm (TMG), but the AOE is much smaller (but can be more powerful if you manage to get headshots on everything).
A typical Hero skill tree can be found by checking the PSO2NA Class Builds Compilation. Remember that percentage multipliers are always better than straight additions, so a 5% increase to something will almost always be better than doing +5 to it.
Hero has some skills that every Hero should be using and have on their subpallete.
You can slot 3 of these into units, then just wear the last one as a normal ring.
This one is really up to you, either one works.
Hero can use techniques, and some of them are highly recommended for certain situations.
Your Mag's total attack stats (Melee, Range, and Tech) are added up and then distributed evenly to all three stats - So it doesn't matter which kind of attack mag you're using (as long as it has all it's points in attack!).
Ideally, you'll want to have stat boosts in all attack types (Melee, Range, and Tech), since you'll typically be using all 3 weapons.
Like other classes, Hero has some skills that people can use to move rapidly as opposed to just running. Gotta go fast!