"A villain is just a broken hero who tried to change the world for it's own greater good. If Hero is the class of "power"... Phantom is the class of "execution". Phantom exists to accomplish what "justice" cannot..."
Phantom is the second scion class released for PSO2. It requires you to have two classes at 75+, and unlocks the ability to become a Phantom on any character. It is a tech-based class. Like Hero, it cannot take a subclass, but it can be used as a subclass. It uses Rifles, Katanas, and Rods (Yes, those scythe looking weapons are Rods) as it's main weapons. Please keep in mind that, unlike Hero, you don't need to swap weapons to build a gauge. You can stick with one weapon if you want. It's recommended you build a Rod-based Phantom, although Rifle and Katana Phantom builds can do just fine too, with practice!
If the Hero class is a class made up of heroes and justice, the Phantom class is made up of villains - Those who use the dark and forbidden powers. Similar to Hero, Phantom uses existing weapons in different ways, as seen below:
Phantom has a few unique mechanics. First off, you have the Phantom Markers. Essentially, as you hit an enemy over and over (with physical attacks, PAs, or Techs), you'll build a "marker" on them, indicated by a blue or purple symbol on whatever part you hit last. Holding and releasing the weapon action (this is called shifting) on any Phantom weapon will "detonate" these markers with various effects, depending on how many hits are put in and other factors. Keep in mind that these markers will disappear if you don't hit the enemy for a few seconds.
There are two types of markers - blue and purple. Blue markers recover 30 PP when detonated, along with some nice damage. Purple markers are maxed, do large amounts of damage, and recover 50 PP per. Marker detonations are also Area Of Effect attacks, so using zondeel or another pull-in effect when possible before detonating is recommended, but not required.
Since you build markers with each hit, there are some ways to build markers very quickly - using Rabarta, for example, will build a blue marker in less than 3 casts, and a purple marker within 4 - 5 casts during Phantom Time. "But Aida, what is Phantom time???" you ask. We'll go over that soon, don't worry!
When you hit the Weapon Action button and then use a Photon Art, it will cast a "Shift PA" instead. Each PA has a "Shift" version that does different things depending on the PA. You can cast a shift PA by using the Weapon Action and then the PA, or cast the PA and then hit the Weapon Action after to do both the normal PA followed by the shift PA.
For example, the Rifle PA Kugelsturm usually shoots a wide shot. However, if you use the weapon action button before it, it changes into a full auto rifle shot for as long as the button is held down.
Everyone likes having a lot of PP, but Phantom really likes it. In fact, a skill on the Phantom Tree will actually increase your damage depending on your max PP. Try to have at least 200 PP, at bare minimum. More is recommended!
When you do a successful counter dodge (dodging at the right time makes a noise just like hero dodging), you've stored a "counter shot". The next time you use a normal attack, step attack, PA, or technique, you'll shoot tracking lasers at the enemy as well. There's a slight delay in shooting the lasers when using a tech, so you can dodge to cancel the shot if you want to save it for uptime.
Charged Ilgrants -> Charged Ilgrants -> Normal Attack (This will do the third part of the normal attack) -> Repeat
This is your "boss that loves to stand still" combo. Because of how the Rod regens PP with it's third normal, you can spam this for quite some time. Feel free to swap Ilgrants for Gizonde, Gimegid, or Samegid (depending on the enemy's element).
Schwarze Katze ->
Schwarze Katze -> Normal Attack (This will do the third part of the normal attack) -> Repeat
A super efficient combo for enemies weak to striking damage multipliers (Elder/weak points on enemies).
You should always try to weave in Crafted Ramegid + Shifted Massenvernichtungs when possible, as it does Damage Over Time (and builds marker!)
There are no other set combos! You should just spam techs that do the most damage (opposite element) while countering, when possible.
Spam any rifle PA (besides Shift Strafe or Vebrechen) twice, then do the 3rd normal attack (This will do the third part of the normal attack) -> Repeat
The reasoning being that Shift Strafe is for mobbing or when you know a boss is going to be somewhere, and Vebrechen because it's very situational and niche.
Shifted Verbrechen ->
Try to keep this up whenver you can - Free damage!
Folterzeit ->
Folterzeit -> Normal Attack (This will do the third part of the normal attack) -> Repeat
Even with this combo (or any other), PP regen on Katana is pretty bad. If you have more MEL PWR than TEC PWR (You shouldn't!), this combo will be better than the Rod striking combo.
Your main objective as a Phantom (while looking edgy and dark) is to build focus for your Phantom Time by countering, avoiding damage, and using different skills. There is a gauge at the center of your subpallete, and once it fills you can activate Phantom Time and become the storm that is approaching!
Phantom Time is similar to Hero Time in that you build it up by attacking and countering. You don't need to use different moves like Hero, though there is a limit and cooldown on how much gear you can gain from each move. Just switch to a different PA or technique if you notice your focus gauge isn't increasing.
Phantom Time lasts 20 seconds, and makes you invincible for the first 5 seconds. Your i-frames (invincibility frames, moments where you can't be hit) become longer, and PP consumption is reduced by 20%. Once you learn the "Phantom Time Mark Plus" skill, you will also build markers much faster during Phantom Time. You can hold 2 charges of Phantom Time.
Rod: Just spam Gigrants/Rabarta/Ilzan.
Rifle: Just spam Kugelsturm or Shifted Nachtangriff.
Katana: ???
A typical Phantom skill tree can be found by checking the PSO2NA Class Builds Compilation. Remember that percentage multipliers are always better than straight additions, so a 5% increase to something will almost always be better than doing +5 to it.
You can slot 3 of these into units, then just wear the last one as a normal ring.
Phantom can use techniques, and some of them are highly recommended for certain situations.
Your Mag's dex stats are distributed evenly to all three stats (Melee, Ranged, Tech) - This means you should ideally have a 200 point DEX mag.
If possible, you want to affix Phrase Decay onto your Phantom weapons - It gives an extra 5% damage if Jellen is applied to it.
Like other classes, Phantom has some skills that people can use to move rapidly as opposed to just running. Gotta go fast!